Everyone get on your knee and pray (at least to the football god for you atheist out there) - for FLA to not play in the MNC. The benefits are many: 1- We get to play fUSC in the Rose Bowl 2- Meyer and SEC piss off at the BCS and pushes for a playoff system 3- f*ck meyer, tebow and Fla in general It's a win/win/win situation for us. What more do you want????
i pray to the god of the media hype to let michigan drum up enough support to sustain their #2 ranking
"Dude you are starting to piss me off. I mean, come on man WE ARE USC .... We can't play for the national championship if we lose. You HAVE to give us the game, WE are the annointed. Bow down and kiss my shoes, I'm Patricia Carroll for crying out loud. We never should have had to play this stupid game anyway. Can you at least make eye contact with me. ... Hey your're kinda cute. "