It's finally coming to DVD...this month: Fitting that this movie is coming to DVD the same month LSU wins the OFFICIAL national championship. I was at many of the games at which they did filming. Maybe it wasn't Oscar-winning, but I loved seeing Tiger Stadium in a major motion picture!
I remember watching that on HBO when I was a little kid. I always wondered why it said "LU" and not "LSU" on the scoreboard.
Now my dad better not rush out and buy this cause this would be an awesome birthday present to give him.
I remember when they were filming that. I was in high school and i remember after the LSU games they asked us to stay after the game so they could film game footage. My brother was at LSU at the time so I would sit with him in the Student section. It looked so stupid when they were filming the game footage. Plus is was late at night... I remember they would put in the paper for us to dress like the times.... Needless to say the student section did not get on film much