Well I guess there game against La Salle in California looked good at the beginning of the season. The game is on ESPN2 at 7:00
De La Salle is going to smoke Evangel tonight...it will be bad exposure for Evangel and Louisiana High School Football.
A few years ago, it might have been a better game...but De La Salle is going to run up and down Evangel tonight...
DeLaSalle ahead 19-3 at halftime. I want to pull for the Louisiana team but I just can't force myself to root for Evangel. DLS looks like they will win their 145th game in a row. Has there ever been a streak that long other than the Harlem Globetrotters?
I wouldn't even cheer for Evangel even if god himself came down and begged me too. That is how much I hate Evangel, but then again I did Graduate from West Monroe. I am glad DLS is whipping their butt. Its funny watching Dennis Dunn on the sideline. You can say Denny Duron more the head coach then Dunn is.
Glad ya'll enjoyed watching DLS do what no Louisiana school has done in a while. Unlike in year's past, there will actually be a competitive race for the 5A title this year. Carencro and West Monroe have good teams. But they still have to go through Evangel to get it. So ya'll might get what you want; Evangel not winning the state title. But whoever wants it will have to take it from them by force. Truly sad and pathetic that so many have lowered themselves to hating young kids just trying to play ball and have fun, just because they do it better than a lot of others. :dis:
Yeah, NOSA, I'm sure it doesn't. Funny how no one seemed to care about Evangel, or how the program was run, when they were having trouble winning. You don't like Evangel, fine. You don't have to. I just wish all the people saying horrible things about the school and the kids would actually back up their allegations with HARD, FACTUAL EVIDENCE instead of just muttering conspiracy theories about recruiting.
I don't have an ounce of hatred or even dislike for the kids. I hate Notre Dame too but I don't hate their players. Even though I couldn't bring myself to root for Evangel even over a California dynasty football program I didn't want to see any of the Evangel kids look bad on TV or blow the game by making a bonehead play. Now if it had been a close game and Evangel had lost because of a boneheaded coaching decision thats a different tune. Just who is Evangel's coach anyway? Dunn is listed as the head coach but Duron seemed to be running everything while Dunn just stood around.