Does anyone have a copy of ESPN's Saturday Sportscenter Highlights? My friend told me that I was in the highlights, and I didnt get a chance to see it, if anyone has a copy of it, i'd pay to get a copy made, thanks!
Well thats a pretty asanine comment coming from an SLU student. I did the mohawk as a fan of LSU football. But hell, u can judge me and call me a doofus is that makes u feel better.......after all you are an SLU student. But I dont want to start trash talk between LSU fans, so if u dont like it thats cool.....just wanted to know if someone had a copy of Sportscenter, not to be called names, lol.
I did see somebody with LSU shaved into their head. Their whole head was bald except for hair left to spell out L-S-U. Pretty cool, just don't go like that to a job interview.
If he was a doofus for his jaw hanging wide open, so were about 90000 other doofuses. When I saw that guy I thought he pretty much sumed up what most TIGER fans were feeling at that point.