Screw the Saints. Let them leave. Take Benson with you and get the fork out. The Saints continue to be one of the most profitable teams in the NFL, yet choose to do EVERYTHING on the cheap so Benson can line his pockets. In the meantime Benson continues to hold the state hostage and talk about the teams money problems. We will all be better off without the Saints.
The Saints and LSU have always been equal in my loyalty. I get tired of listening to Saints fans bash LSU and LSU fans bash the Saints. In my book they both represent (or at least did) the state of Louisiana. They play on two different levels, I don't see why there has to be bloodshed between the two sides.
I don't want them to leave, but I think Benson is smart to do so. New Orleans will not be able to support them for many years. And most fans in Baton Rouge seem to care less whether they stay or go.
For me it has nothing to do with the fact that I am an LSU fan. I used to be a Saints fan. I loved the Saints and watched every single game. But enough is enough for me. I don't like Brooks and the fact that he comes off the field laughing after throwing a pick. I don't like Haslett and the fact that no matter how bad Brooks plays Haslett won't even consider trying anyone else at QB. Most of all I hate Benson and the way he and the Saints do business. I refuse to be a battered wife that keeps coming back to get beat down again. The Saints can take their ball and go play elsewhere.
Let me ask you this. If this version of the Saints left, the city kept the name, colors, uniforms and were awarded a team in say 10 years, would you support the Benson-less, Brooks-less, Haslett-less Saints? Same question goes to everyone on the board who doesn't like the Saints because of either front office or personnel reasons.