Why is it that last week's VT vs Miami game was all over ESPN website and tv allllllll last week, and now LSU and Alabama are in the same situation, and we haven't really heard anything from them? I'm not trying to bitch that we don't get any love, b/c that is obvious, but more that I want to hear more about this game!!! I haven't seen it talked about on PTI or anything! Did Tubby really scar the SEC for life by dogging ESPN?
the website is the worst. main picture is of south florida and its dark horse chance of ending up in the sugar bowl.
The "Around The Horn" guys were talking about it on Tuesday. Cowlishaw said "his Tigers were going to win". It will get the pub today-Saturday. Good thing is...ESPN will keep going back to Herbie & the Boys all night long disecting our game. We put on a strong performance and we will get plenty of coverage.
yea that guy craig james was blowing bama all over the place he kept saying how he is his sugar bowl candidate and then the other commentator repeatedly said that you think a one-dimensional bama team can get past auburn, LSU, AND georgia
I have always thought ESPN has been pretty good to the SEC. They show alot of SEC games on ESPN and ESPN 2. They came to LSU preseason practice. Yes they do have some commentators that sometimes dont pick us but that goes with the territory. Gameday comes to SEC games as much as any conference. And being in California i appreciate the ability to see so many games on T.V. and the T.V. revenue for the conference doesnt hurt either. I am glad that CBS is not the only option anymore. I have used gameplan to see 2 LSU games i would not have been able to see otherwise. Just my .02 cents.
No... it's simple... Va Tech has an overrated with the last name of Vick, and neither LSU nor Bama does...
Bama may be ranked top 5, but they aren't treated like it. I think the problem is more of a somewhat lack of interest due to the expectation of this being a defensive battle. Most fans want to see exciting playmakers like Vick etc.