ESPN has dubbed the LSU vs. Oregon St. game a instant classic and will replay it on ESPN Classic Thursday night at 6pm.......... I was at the game... and didn't record it at home... Can't wait to see it on T.V. It was a classic......... Later guys... Coach Terrill :helmet: :lsug: ldskule: :tigerhead :lsup: :champs:
I gotta admit, I would prefer never to see that game again... Just sort of forget about it. That was a sad performance for almost 4 full quarters.
If its the same replay that they played Sunday morning, they edited about half of the action out to compress the time. It was disappointing.
CLASSIC???? They should burn the gamefilm and let that one die!!!!! I watched the replay just to make sure what I saw at the stadium wasn't just a bad dream, but the replay only confirmed that what I thought I saw live had indeed happened. I could see running it on a bloopers marathon but a sports classic it is not. :dis: :dis: :dis: :dis: :dis: :geaux: :lsup:
On a happier note, they have to be calling it a classic because of the way LSU came back at the very end of the game to send it into OT and then to win it, so I see it as props to us! Do you really think the OSU fans would enjoy it as much as we would? :thumb: I didn't enjoy the game either, but I enjoyed the comeback. I'll take the last 2 minutes of regulation and an OT to go please! :rofl:
I don't get the attitude here. LSU plays a lousy lousy game and manages to still win it. It's something we should be proud of. You have the emergence of a young stud QB that will light it up in these next 3-4 years. You have the emergence of a young stud receiver in Bowe that will burn DBs for the next 3 years. Definitely some positives to take away from this game. Watch the game and really appreciate what LSU has going right now. This was a blessing in disguise for Randall to struggle migtily like he did. Better that we know that Russell is the answer now than after a loss to Auburn.
That was extremely disappointing.....almost not even worth showing. That would be pretty lame if that's the replay they show. I might tape it to see....cuz I would MUCH rather watch the Patriots and Colts on Thursday night....gotta see how my fantasy guys do. WHOOOOOOOOOOO!!! FOOTBALL SEASON IS IN!!! WAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
I never did see this game listed on ESPNC.....anybody get to see it and if so, what damn time and day was it?