If JR is in this competition, Im betting he throws over 75+yards... longest throw winner is croyle, matter of factly.
Croyle threw it 68. You really think he has a bigger arm than Russell? No way. He'd throw in the low 70s (if his arm was 100%).
Assuming he was healthy, I think Russell would easily win this competition. The accuracy test would be a problem for him though.
If this is true, JR could easily put it in triple digits. Maybe even quadruple digits with a tailwind. :hihi:
He threw it farther than Olsen, Whitehurst, AND Vince Young... You guys act as if Brodie doesn't have an arm...:hihi: I'm not his biggest fan but anyone who thinks he doesn't have a great arm is stupid.
He has a very good arm. In fact, all the scouts keep saying that he has "1st round arm strength." They just have concerns about his durability...and the fact that his teammates might night understand the playcalls in the huddle due to his super southern drawl:yelwink2: .