Ellis made the tailgate....

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Uncle Gus, Oct 26, 2003.

  1. Uncle Gus

    Uncle Gus Founding Member

    Sep 24, 2002
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    where were the rest of you who said they might stop by our tailgate?

    Anyway, Ellis it was good to meet you and I hope you will stop by again soon.
  2. shaqazoolu

    shaqazoolu Concentrated Awesome

    Sep 6, 2003
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    i wanted to go.....I had to work 7 til 4.............
  3. Ellis Hugh

    Ellis Hugh Space Wrangler

    Aug 9, 2001
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    Yeah, it was good to meet you, LSUBUD, and the others at The Bushwood Social Aid & Pleasure Club. You've got a good spot there.
  4. DarkHornet

    DarkHornet Louisiana Sports Fan

    Sep 24, 2003
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    I'm sorry. I saw the original thread, like 4 weeks ago, but I haven't seen anything of it this last week, so I didn't know when or where the tailgate was. Otherwise, I would have stopped by to say hi.

    We should organize another one, maybe for the Arkansas game? I really liked the idea.
  5. SpringTiger

    SpringTiger Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2003
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    My apologies, Uncle Gus. I really did want to get by and say hi, but we didn't make it to campus until after 5:00 and we hooked up with friends and family as soon as we got there. Maybe next year.

  6. LSUBud

    LSUBud Founding Member

    Jul 27, 2003
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    We're there every week. The "best" way to describe our spot is that if you walk out the steps of the Union and onto the Parade Grounds, you'll run right into our tents. We have four tents, a grill, many chairs, tables, TV, etc. And, we have a sign on one of the tents which reads "Bushwood Social Aid & Pleasure Club". You can't miss us.

    When we started this a few years back, we were tailgating right next to Lockett (before it became a pay lot). But, there wasn't much in the way of "green" space. We decided to move to the Parade Grounds because, although it is a much further walk to the stadium, it has wide open green areas for all the kids to play and for us to set up. The first few years, there weren't THAT many people tailgating out there. Parking was relatively easy and the Parade Grounds were ANYTHING BUT crowded.

    Now, tents are 2-3 deep on the Parade Grounds and there are people EVERYWHERE. But, it still is a GREAT place to tailgate. And, "newer" tailgaters seem to respect the fact that "older" Parade Ground tailgaters have been there for a while and don't take our space. This past week, the tailgters next to us (K.A.T.T.) got the Rugby team to set up their tent further into the Parade Grounds because they told them that the place they were setting up was "usually" taken by Bushwood. The Rugby team understood and complied.

    BTW, we usually leave about 40-50 minute before game time. So, feel free to stop by late.
  7. chuck

    chuck Founding Member

    Jan 10, 2002
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    I actually tailgated at the law school too. . we were in the back parking lot behind a huge tree on tons of woodchips . .

    fantastic tailgating spot . . .first time we tailgated there, so it doesn't look like its anyone's permanent position - I recommend it to anyone . .
  8. chuck

    chuck Founding Member

    Jan 10, 2002
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    no - it was me and 9 LSU fans . .
  9. LSUBud

    LSUBud Founding Member

    Jul 27, 2003
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    Gus and I get there early and are usually able to park right in front of the Union. Those that come later usually wind up dropping off their stuff right by the tailgate and then they park in the law school lots. Throughout the day, some spots open up in front of the Union, but not too many. And, usually either our group or another group has someone go save that spot for someone in our group.

    To me, the Parade Grounds is the BEST place to tailgate. I'd rather tailgate on the Parade Grounds rather than right in front of the stadium. You have more green space than you can ever need. On one side of the PG you can use all of the Union's facilities. In the middle of the Parade Grounds you can use the Tower's (or the surrounding buildings) facilities. On the other side of the Parade Grounds, you can use any number of buildings (including the Visitor's Building's) facilities.

    On that note, I will not say anymore as I don't want everyone and their brother coming and ruining a good thing.

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