I come here as a broken man!!! The effects of LSU winning the National Championship and bringing such happiness and joy to this oldtimer has also had a strange effect. I must report that i am in denial as to the end of football season. I watch my recorded LSU games over and over and i am dangerously close to having my wife think i am crazy and obtaining Mental help. I need your help Tiger fans!!! What do i do? I walk around in a daze thinking of games gone by and i find myself daydreaming at work. I have never felt this kind of elongated joy and lasting inner pride. It is a little tough to handle and i worry that it has all been a dream and i will wake up and realize there was no National Championship and it was all a viscous ploy by Auburn to brainwash me and taunt me. Then i watch that game and i hollar at the screen and i jump when the d makes a great play and we win all over again. I truly am a changed man and forever will walk through my life with a feeling of accomplishment and pride in my home state, Louisiana State University, Tiger fans and the LSU footbal team. Thank you for making all our lives and day to day struggles a little easier to take. If watching LSU football games over and over and over is crazy then hell sign me up. I think the only thing that will cure my season emptiness is when the Tigers strap it on for the opening of next season. Until then i will relish the feeling of pride, pull for LSU in other sports, live and die with recruiting and spring football from Dandy Don, and talk LSU with all of you. Geaux Tigers and Thank You LSU Tiger Football, Fans, Coachs, and everyone who has made this a seson to remember the rest of our lives. Geaux Tigers Crazy Calcotiger
Posted by CalcoTiger: It is a little tough to handle and i worry that it has all been a dream and i will wake up and realize there was no National Championship and it was all a viscous ploy by Auburn to brainwash me and taunt me. LMMFAO, That line is hilarious.
Don't worry Be Happy, If you ever wake up, order some championship merchandise to remind you that this was NO DREAM. Its the real Deal..... Speaking along the lines of what your saying....... Another week and football will be TOTALLY OVER NOW, for me thats a real reality check!
I know how you feel Calco. I spent huge money to be at the GAME and my friend who lives in B.R. and was there with me got phone calls almost daily afterward for a week. "Was I really there?" " Did we really win?". It is hard to believe it was less than a month ago. Not living in B.R. has a lot to do with the "fading" feeling. People up here are either UK or O.State fans and pretty much ignore SEC football. I have become obsessed with LSU football and it is weird. I have always been a fan and have watched all the games that have been televised up here but I never thought this National Championship game would change me the way it did. I miss Louisiana and the people but this goes beyond that. This is pride. Our state is not last in everything anymore, our football team is #1 in the country and it was not a fluke. I have lived all over the country and some day will return to LA. to live out my years and sit next to the radio listening to Tiger Stadium on Saturday night. Until then I sure appreciate this message board and the knowledgeable and hardcore fans who post here. Thanks.
Calco I agree with all that and i understand because it is happening to me too. Maybe not exactly the same but in a way. The only thing I can't stand is this, i don't understand why EVERYONE I meet isn't this way. Folk's at work don't want to talk about the Tiger's now. They are mostly Ole Miss Fans and for a few days they were talking about it with me but now they seem to want to just belittle the season. Most of them keep saying how Ole Miss nearly ruined it for us. the same attiitude UGA had before the SEC game. They should take a clue from Georgia, but they won't. Until we beat them BADLY next year, they will say they are as good as the national champs. OLE MISS BLOWS there Im glad i got that out of my system.
I live in San Jose. It is harder for me to follow LSU Basketball. And no offense to other LSU sports because i pull for all of them. But Football is king and i live it year round. Geaux Tigers Geaux Sabanites
CalcoTiger, I sympathize with you. Especially since you obviously have to deal with all of the USC Condom fans out there. I know you have pointed out to these jackasses why LSU is 'THE' true National Champion, but I'd like to know some of the intellectual arguments (if there is such a thing) as to why they think their team is tops. I admit I'm biased as are they, but when the facts of each team's season is laid out, any argument for USC as No.1 seems to fall by the wayside.
Yeah...the ending of football season is always a rough one--ESPECIALLY THIS SEASON since we're the champions!!!