For those of you living in Ascension parish, Just heard this rumor, well actually I know for a fact its gonna happen in the middle of August. Eatel FiberEdge Video service will be carrying ESPNU and ESPN2-HD on its digital TV service. There will be no additional charges for these channels. Should be awesome come football season. I don't think Cox has either of these channels.
Sweet.. Any news when they will pick up ESPN gameplan. Because I have fiberedge and I have not gotten a straight answer.
Living in Ascension Parish, I despise Eatel. You have no other choices when it comes to telephone service and 5 miles up the road in BR eatel offers telephone service $15-20 cheaper per month. But I think cox is now offerring phone service which is awesome. Another reason why I would not choose Eatel b/c I will lose my Cox sports recaps, other LSU coverage as well as some of the local sports shows such as ott.
Eatel carries Cox sports TV, its the same channel, 37. The HD works pretty well, alot depends on your TV.