Anyone know what :lsup: is paying the search firm to find a new coach? Also how much did :lsug: pay to the search firm last time? ...just curious
Pretty bad when you have to reply to your own post. lol I just know there's some of you out there that could find out. Just think we could have saved :lsup: some money if this is the outcome. Just want to see what the firm offered up. Did they just supply a list of names. Did they make just a couple of phone calls for all that hard work.
3 hours of work. We had 3 real candidates for the job, so I'm guessing that the search firm spent at most 3 hours working on the project. Search Firm: Hey Coach Petrino, Skip Bertman wants to talk to you about the LSU job, can you meet him and when? Hey Coach Del Rio, Bertman wants to talk to you about . . . etc. How tough is that?
It's ridiculous. I can't see why you need a "search" firm when there is a very finite population of candidates out there, you know who they are, and you know where to find them... I've used search firms to find employees before, but it was because I wasn't nearly as likely to find them on my own, or with just my HR department.
Just heard on a local radio station, 1210 AM in BR, that :lsug: paid $400,000 to this firm? I would like to see the expenses they had.