EA using "Fight For LSU" in it's NCAA 2005 Ads check it out, click on watch videos. Fight For LSU is used as the background for all 3. http://www.easports.com/games/ncaa2005/home.jsp
I just watched those.. Before I knew it I had watched each of the videos several times. Clips from a video game gave me goosebumps. Sigh.... Football season can't get here soon enough! :cry:
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......music to my ears. only problem is that I told my wife I was "working". Needless to say my cover was blown when the music started blaring. Sweet indeed!
I can out do that acctually. During E3 last May EA showed those movies on the big screen in their booth. So you had it booming from giant speakers... Plus, when you played the "quick match" game in the E3 demo, it was LSU vs USC in Tiger Stadium.