I have had to this point total confidence in Bertman. However the thought that we are even looking at Tubberville is enough to make me quit going to LSU games after 30 years. I don't care if Tubberville won a national championship this year, he has consistently portrayed poor judgement and has had numerous classless incidents. We deserve better in Baton Rouge. I am e-mailing Skip my disappointment in LSU considering Tubberville. This should be nipped to the bud. His e-mail is [email protected]
Saban was not a candidate for the Dolphins position either. He said he wasn't interested! :hihi: :thumb: :rofl: :rofl: :lsup: :tigerhead
Tubberville In the Baton Rouge Paper there is an entire article devoted to him as a coaching candidate
Trust me Tuberville would love to go undefeated and then flick the bird to Auburn. Absolutely love it. Besides, everyone on the planet now knows LSU will pay more than anyone else. Also, LSU has the cash to get anyone out of their buyout....except when Tubby has a $7.5 million buyout. Wonder why Sexton doesn't advise Tuberville for the no buyout deal like Nick got? Why would any coach in Nick's or Ferentz or Tuberville's situation have a buyout?
Tuberville doesn't have the power warranted to have a no buyout clause yet. He isn't proven, not an elilte coach yet, JMHO maybe after another year like this year. :grin:
My Letter to Skip This is my letter to Skip Mr. Bertman, Let me say to you that I have great respect for you and all that you have done for the LSU program and its fans. I think you handled the Saban situation with the greatest degree of class and other schools and individuals have taken notice of that and the way that you treated Coach Saban. LSU is very lucky to have you as its AD. As someone who has been attending LSU sporting events my entire life and dearly loves the University I am dumbfounded that you are considering Tommy Tubberville, an individual that has repeatedly used poor judgment toward the LSU fans with the cigar incident and many others towards LSU fans. He has also consistently used poor judgment towards the media, when Auburn was ranked #1 in 2003 I also recall Tubberville gloating how the other team would be waxed by their offense. There was also his team members jumping on the eye and running into our band. If Tommy Tubberville had won a national championship this year I would feel the same way. LSU deserves a coach with class and integrity and Tuberville has not displayed that in recent years. This is not what LSU is about. the Tiger Fan since 1971 LSU alum 1992
May be Sour I would think that with all the NFL interest Ferentz has garnered over the last couple-3 years that he would have said no buyout for his latest extension ya know? And I would think Sexton would advise Tuberville that you may never have as much leverage as you have right now. OK, maybe he can't get a no buyout deal but to have a $7.5 mill buyout? That sounds farfetched to me. I guess that would be the largest buyout ever in the history of football. Why would I have a buyout from a school that tried to oust me in a coup last year? They could stick it in their ear if I was Tuberville.
Wow, so much disimnformation in one thread....where to start? Tubs buyout is not $7+MM, it's roughly $3.5MM. Remember , he is under a current agreement, not under the proposed agreement. The misinformation is coming from Sexton. No surprise there, right? Those that believe Tubs wants to "flick AU the bird" are genuinely working off of very old information.... if it was ever true to begin with. BTW - if LSU had $13.2 MM to throw at Tubs, don't you believe they would've used it to secure Saban instead? And if you believe that some incidents involving less-than-disciplined players (jumping on the eye, running into the band) will even be considered by an Administration running a $50MM dollar business, wel, let's just say that you are a little naive. Folks, Tubs is NOT a candidate.....I can assure you.