Doyle bashes Manzeil

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by tigerace, Aug 8, 2013.

  1. lsudolemite

    lsudolemite CodeJockey Extraordinaire

    Sep 18, 2006
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    This will always be the defining image of Skip Bayless to me, Mark Cuban destroying him on his own show.

    furduknfish and red55 like this.
  2. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    Wishful thinking? Okay. I'm not sure what you're implying there...I'll leave that for explanation.

    It wasn't Michigan? You don't know that. As stated, it's my assumption the news came from Desmond. Which, in turn, would have come from Michigan.

    There had to be a reason they went with the story. Something they found credible. Are you suggesting they just made the story up and broadcast their "story?"

    Put it against a logic meter.

    What you're asserting, as I read it, is they had no basis for what they were reporting. I can't see that.

    Suggest? All I'm saying is there is reason to believe they had what they considered to be credible sources telling them there were talks ongoing.

    When has a coach, or anyone in a position like that, been able to "say nothing?" If it's not addressed today, it comes up tomorrow. If it's not addressed then, it comes up again.

    It's Michigan. Whether you agree or not, it's the epitome of a a head coaching job in college football. Maybe not the pinnacle, but it's up there.
  3. furduknfish

    furduknfish #ohnowesuckagain

    Sep 11, 2006
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  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Somebody wanted to break the Les to Michigan story badly enough to add 2 and 2 and get 5. Do you really not understand this?

    Is is possible that you don't know what credible means? Your assumptions don't mean shit, amigo. Herbstreit has never said that he got the story from Michigan, I know that. He has named no credible source. He jumped the gun and ran with a rumor. He neglected to confirm it with Les or Michigan.

    they reported a story that turned out to be a lie. We call this no basis. They had no leg to stand on and could offer no credible source for the story.

    And I'm saying that you have a reason to IMAGINE that there was a credible source. You can't name it either.

    Get real. Les declined all comment from reporters on the Michigan offer until Herbstreit foolishly decided to go with he story anyway. So Les was forced to make a fool of him.

    It not much of a pinnacle in this century. It certainly can't match what Les already had at LSU. But Herbstreit is a big-10 homer and he just blew it.
    mctiger and Winston1 like this.

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