Man, I hope so....I've got whole life for my wife and I with those guys. Been considering cashing out. Fortunately, as for the rest I'm not big in the market. We have a decent nest egg in CD's, but I also have a small 401k that's lost about half its value since October:cuss:. Lots of earning time left before I think about retirement.
You should cash out. Pay day loans are about as good an investment as whole life. I can point you to a good agent who sells term if you are interested.
Who knows? It's a huge company that will be much smaller if it survives at all. I'm not offering up a defense here, only dispensing what little facts I have. From an internal correspondence:
We are nowhere near a depression. Most experts are projecting economic growth by the fourth quarter of 2009. During the depression enemployment was at 33-40%, 5000 banks closed, the GDP fell by 50%, and the stock market fell by 90%. That makes our situation seem kind of rosey. Look at the brightside. The dow is having a 50% off sale. Do some homework and by some good stocks and mutual funds. You may never have a better chance.
fear is driving the market. In 96, we were at the same levels but felt pretty good with the economy. but now, even at those level, it's nothing but bad feelings.