Didn't see this posted, but sorry if it's a repost. Anyways, Dorsey won the Nagurski Trophy, awarded to the nation's top defensive player! http://www.usatoday.com/sports/college/football/2007-12-03-dorsey-nagurski-trophy_N.htm
Keep the trophies coming. Especially that big black one with the crystal football.:geauxtige P.S. Any word on Steltz being favored for the Thorpe?
This is great --- this thread should be at the top of the 1st page right under the NC Game Thread. ldskule:
that article says that Beamer voted the Tigers No. 4 but the USA today website has Beamer as voting the Tigers No.1 and the Hokies No.2 http://www.usatoday.com/sports/graphics/coaches_fb_poll_2007/flash.htm
Glenn will sweep all of the defensive awards this season. Everyone realizes how much of a stud he has been and how much of a cop-out that prick from Auburn was to chop him.