Athlon's countdown of their Top 25. Today they reached #7 with Texas. Quite the Embarassing Pic for Us Tigers Is that Hunt?......Or what is left of em
Before any "Defenders of the Program" come out. I realize he probably dove and missed the tackle but it looks like he got run slap over.
That had to be during pre-game stretching. I hope the guy was disciplined for running onto our side of the field.
Not what I meant. It's looks worse, in that, it looks like one of our big bad ass DE's got run over. I luv the guy. I hope rips somebodies head off this year:angry: :cuss: :angry:
Amen brother. I hope this Thunder and Lightning talk of last year shows up. WE NEED A VIOLENT PASS RUSH !!!!
Yeah, how significant were their injuries? I know Kendrick Allen's were pretty significant but what about Spears & Hill? Were they minor or did they really affect them? Thunder & Lightning looked good at times but awfully slow others.
Spears was hampered with an ankle injury for most of the year which really affected his pass rush. Anybody that has had a sprained ankle can tell you that they take forever to go away. I play alot of basketball and a couple of years ago it seemed like my ankle was sprained for 6 months without fully healing. Hopefully the offseason has allowed Spears to completely recover and he will be kicking ass this season.