I know you are tired of the Ron Paul threads but I wanted to get outsider opinions on this fact that Ron Paul gets more donations from active duty military in the last quarter than any of the other Republican and Democrat candidates combined... What say you?
Well if it makes you feel any better, Paul was on the ballot today, so technically he could win Louisiana -- but so could other powerhouse Republican candidates that were on the ballot today -- Jerry Curry, Daniel Gilbert, Duncan Hunter and Tom Tancredo.
We're tired of it because it's been forced down our throats for weeks and any debate immediately comes to a stalemate, so what's the point?
An older chart but nonetheless. edit: here is Q4 numbers: http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/080203/20080203005049.html?.v=1
That is an interesting report but i still have a few issues with it. Both the image and the document linked are supplied by Source: Ron Paul 2008 Presidential Campaign Committee not the FEC. I am not accusing the Ron Paul campaign of out right lying, but i rarely believe stats and charts put out by any of the campaigns. They continually skew the numbers to generate an outcome that is favorable to their candidate.