I didn't realize landing on your elbow constituted being down. Is that correct? Also, what was with the refs calling the play dead when one of our guys got tied up with a Florida defensive player and then spun out of his grasp and ran into an LSU blocker?
I just don't know anymore.. seems this year in alot of different games the refs are not only standing on the turf, they're smoking it.
Yeah I remember the early whistle by the refs, which was baffling. There is no way you could say his forward progress was stopped. The whistle was premature. I think that's the play you are referring to. Elbow, Knee, any part of your body except your hands basically, constitutes being down. This is the worst season for officiating in NCAA. Don't know what's up with that.
I remembe Domanick Davis getting a touchdown in the 2001 SECCG where his elbow was down but they called it a touchdown.
I was yelling at the TV on that play where Doucet spun out of the tackle. But after watching the replay it looked like his knee went down from a different angle.
when it's that close i think they should let the play continue just in case they got it wrong. make the down call but allow lsu to review it
Yes, landing on your elbow is down. Any part of your body that touches the ground is ruled down, except for hands and feet. That was the right call. It was that bogus holding call on the Davis TD that was BS.
Yep, that's what the rulebook says. A ball carrier is also down if his helmet comes completely off at that spot. Didn't know that one. Pretty good read if you have some free time. Rules and Interpretations
Bingo, I no longer like the replay idea in the college game but I bet AU and Florida love it. I'm not going to blame the officials for our 2 losses either. You would have to be the worst team in America to blame officials for all of your losses, seriously if you can't overcome a call in more than one game you don't deserve to be any good. I can understand losing one game this way but not any more than that!