Does anyone other than Saban really know what is going on?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by tigerjeffrey, Dec 24, 2004.

  1. tigerjeffrey

    tigerjeffrey Founding Member

    Could this situation be as simple as an eighth-grade schoolgirl not wanting to leave her friends? I have an eighth-grader as well -- but being as I'm in the Air Force we move when Uncle says we move. Several ways of looking at it. Once his daughter enters high school (i.e., next year), then it is even more unlikely he'd want to move during her high school years. So, if they're going to move, it makes sense to either move now (before she starts high school) or after she finishes high school (four more years as they say in politics)! This is viewed in the best light. The other possibility is that he's squeezing the Fins for even more money and control. Not as flattering a picture.

    Here's my guess, and it's a total guess, I have no inside source like the Saban butler or gardener -- Nick had discussed the possibility of leaving LSU for the NFL w/ wife and family, they initially said "OK, whatever you think is best." But when it is coming to crunch time, his daughter has changed her mind and is balking. Acting like a 13 year old ... imagine that! I think Nick has pretty much decided to make the move but as of yet has not convinced his daughter. Maybe that's why the idiot Dolphin owner flew his big impressive Dolphin jet to lil' ol' Baton Rouge, to mollycoddle the kid into coming.

    BTW, why don't we Tiger fans take out our frustration on someone who really deserves it ... not Nick, not Skip, not even High-zinga, but on the idiot talking heads on the radio and TV who simply can't fathom it might be a tough decision to leave a great place like LSU for the uncertainty of the NFL.:angry: :lsug: :lsug: :champs: :lsup: :lsup:
  2. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    I would have to say that this is highly doubtful - and I'm being nice.
  3. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    To answer your question, NO ONE knows what Saban is going to do other than Saban himself.
  4. whocares

    whocares Freshman

    this is ridiculous. we are not going to know anything at all until after the bowl game......guaranteed
  5. Dolphin67

    Dolphin67 Freshman

    I think your post nails it. I am with you on the 500 media outlets saying this and that. One will say, "he is staying" then one says, "He is gone" ..NOONE knows, but Saban, himself. We will all know when he holds a PC soon. I will say that if he turns down this offer now, after the long wait and numerous teams (#6 now, and 3rd in last 2 years), that he WILL NEVER get an NFL offer again. He better love LSU and vice versa, b/c that will be the bed that he makes. Good Luck to all LSU and Dolphin fans and Merry CHRISTmas to all!:usaflagwa :911:
  6. sjvj175

    sjvj175 Freshman

    Wayne's no idiot...well maybe he's acting like one by practically getting on his knees and begging NS....
  7. Jean Lafitte

    Jean Lafitte The Old Guard


    Hah! Maybe Nick made his get on all fours, bark like a dog and squeal like a pig!!


    Nick throws High-Zinger for a LOOP! FINS ARE PUNK'D!
  8. Tygrr

    Tygrr Win the West

    Someone will offer him an NFL job if he turns this one down. Trust me.
  9. whocares

    whocares Freshman

    and he will jerk them around because he thinks he is god, and they will tell him to piss up a rope too.
  10. MarineTiger

    MarineTiger Founding Member

    He is

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