Screw Marshall, since they screwed us once. If we can get Pittsburgh, we should go for them. Question is, will they want a return game at Heinz Field in the near future? If they do, that could cause a problem.
Heinz Field isnt' that bad of a place. They seat over 70,000 and Pitt does a good job of filling it--and that was with BIG LEAST opponents. Give them an SEC opponent, and it's a packed place. Of the teams listed as "probables", Pitt is the most attractive, IMO.
Been to Heinz field a couple of times, got to see Fitzgerald play last year. Pitt does not come close to filling up the stadium. Most pitt people are more concerned with the Steelers instead of the Panthers
Playing Pitt would make for a good game. Not too many northern opponents for the Tigers. Definitely an interesting matchup.
Like I said in an earlier post... I would like a middle of the road Big 12 opponent like Nebraska... maybe WVU ...
we may just want to get a cupcake both of our other ooc opponents (Az. State and N. Texas) for next year will be playing in bowls. Add to that our SEC slate, and we're looking at Miss State, Vandy, and maybe Ole Miss as the only teams we're gonna play that will be below .500; if you add a BCS caliber team to this schedule you're looking at a season that would take 11 wins over bowl-teams to win a national title (after SEC championsip and bowl). That might be the toughest schedule ever (even though most of the tough games are at home). Also, the open game is after a bye week, which historically hasn't meant a really strong performance, in the middle of the season, right before the away Bama game. Maybe a crappy team from a big conference or a mediocre team from a mediocre conference for a tune-up game would not be a bad move.