i cant believe they get away with this. if one of em does it to me i'll wring their neck. http://abcnews.go.com/Health/ColdandFluNews/story?id=6099708&page=1 "In a survey of 679 general internal medicine physicians and rheumatologists, researchers from the National Institutes of Health found that about half of the doctors admitted to prescribing placebo treatments without informing the patient. "
I don't see anything wrong with it. I assure you they don't prescribe placebos for cancer and aids. It's for whiny little babies who want a pill every time they have a sore throat or headache. What people don't understand is that if your illness is a virus, there is no pill that will help. You have to let it run it's course. People want pills so this is how the doctors appease them.
i consider it lying. plain and simple. if someone cant appreciate that antibiotics dont treat viral infections then either let them "feel" sick or send them to a shrink.
My biggest question is how do you get prescribed a placebo and not realize it? Do people really not look at what is prescribed to them?
I would think that its some little piece of that jibberish that Drs call a perscription. You can't read it, no one can, it has to be a snow job between the doc and the pharmacist. If you knew, then it wouldn't work. Sugar tablets don't really cure anything, cept maybe hiccups.
According to the article, they aren't prescribing actual placebos (sugar pills). They are prescribing real medicines like antihistamines, antiinflammatories, and antibiotics but they know that they won't do the patient any good, except for the placebo effect.
That's what I'm talking about. I guess it helps to be married to a nurse who knows what these medicines are. But If a wasn't you can bet your ass I would be on WEBMD or asking questions before I brought it to get filled.