Do you #standwithahmed?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by StaceyO, Sep 17, 2015.

  1. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    I didn't say he was charged, I said he was arrested on suspicion of a hoax bomb. He was nott charged because he is a kid and it isn't worth bothering with charges.

    If he wants to sue for unlawful arrest, he will lose when the jury sees he hasn't built a clock.

    You are making slow progress, now accepting that he didn't build a clock from parts. Keep it up, we will get there eventually. I am curious as to why as disassembled clock is more useful than a regular clock, unless it is a hoax bomb.
    TwistedTiger and LSUpride123 like this.
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    He was not charged because a clock is not a hoax bomb without hoax explosives. The reason he did not think it was any big deal is because he is a kid.

    It doesn't matter if he described the clock as invented, built, disassembled, or broken. What matters is that it is, in fact, a clock which is exactly what he said it was. No threats, no subterfuge, no lies. It is entirely arguable what a jury might make of it.

    You are making no progress at all and pretending to be stupid. How many time do I have to explain this? Kids take stuff apart to see what it is made of. The kid did this like millions have done previously. It's something for a bright kid to do besides play on his iPhone. I took an old record player apart and made a fan once. I didn't invent a fan. I just put parts I found together to make one. I didn't need a fan, there are plenty in the house. But I was a kid and proud that I could figure stuff out, repurpose things and be creative.

    Why would he make a hoax bomb with hoax explosives? Why would he show it to the person most able to recognize it for what it was? What did he make no threats or try to stage a discovery? It's just an immature kid showing off something trivial. It is not his fault that it was mistakenly perceived to be a hoax bomb by a teach and a cop. I don;t fault them for being imperceptive, nor do I fault the kid for being naive. Kids are naive, we must live with it.
  3. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    Red took a record player apart.

    Ahmed didn't take a clock apart, he just removed it from a case and placed it in another case. He did that because it looks like a bomb.

    Why would he make a hoax bomb? For fun.

    Why would his father run for president of Sudan? Why did his father travel to Florida to be a part of the Koran burning that was a national news frenzy?

    You don't understand why people get involved in silly things to get attention for themselves?

    We don't need to discuss this further as I don't believe you are sincere. Clearly you were fooled by this hoax, which is perfectly understandable. It all would have made sense if the story had held up and the kid really was an innocent electronics tinkerer who made a clock with a soldering iron and transistors and such.
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    That is taking one apart.

    You don't know and can't prove this. It looks like a clock because why? Once more for emphasis . . . no fake explosives.

    But he did not make a hoax bomb. His clock was mistaken for one by others.

    Irrelevant other than to reinforce that this is all about your islamophobia and not about the kid at all.

    Sure, but this is far simpler than that. It is just a naive kid doing kid stuff. The simplest explanation is usually the most accurate.

    I am as sincere as you. We don't need to discuss it further because I realize you have depleted your logic and are just repeating yourself.
  5. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    again, if there were evidence of some kind of malicious intent then I might agree but there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever to support it.....therefore, the arrest cannot be justified.

    actually he did stop showing it. when he was in his next class, which I believe was English, the timer on the clock went off and the English teacher asked about it. then, and only then, did he take the thing out again.

    the teachers and administrators were the very first to blow things out of proportion by having the kid taken away in handcuffs after they knew damn good and well that it was not a bomb and that there was no malicious intent. indeed, the country has gone over board with sympathy for the kid but the first over reaction was from the teachers and administrators.
  6. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Better question: Why can't you understand that it was not a hoax bomb?

    What does it matter and why is it relevant to this case? The people are originally from the Sudan. You would think you would be celebrating that he is at a Koran burning. Think of this.....if his father is at a Koran burning, then how can the kid be an Islamic terrorist?

    It doesn't seem like Sincerity is what you are having trouble with, my friend. It appears that your problem is with the facts of this case.

    Serious question: Why do you continue to believe what the conservative media tells you when you know they've lied to you about so many other things? Remember when Mitt Romney was really winning the 2012 election? Remember when the Fed's easy money policies were going to cause run away inflation? Remember when there were going to be death panels because of Obamacare? Remember when they thought they could shut down the government to........uh.....what the hell were they trying to accomplish with that? Remember when there were WMD's in Iraq? Remember when they told you that there was a conspiracy to hide the truth in Benghazi? Remember when they said that lowering taxes would increase revenue? Remember when they said that the IRS was targeting conservative groups? I could go on and on here......
    red55 likes this.
  7. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    His role at the Koran burning was to represent the interests of the Koran and win a mock trial. He lies and claims he didn't know the Koran would be burned.
  8. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    I am not a conservative and do not care about the conservative media. I don't care about Benghazi or any of that nonsense. I am telling you a kid thought it would be fun to spook people with a hoax bomb. that's why he took a perfectly useful clock and made into a hoax bomb. And you are incorrect he showed multiple teachers, even after he was asked not to.

    You know a clock with a big digital display becomes far less useful when closed up where you can't see the display inside a case. You think the kid made a clock that you have to open (and plug in) to see?

    Red is also pretendingg a hoax bomb needs fake explosives to work as a hoax. I invite him to try that theory out with a hoax bomb without fake explosives at airport security. It's silly to pretend the kid didn't know what he was doing, because as bill maher said, it looks like a prop bomb from a movie.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2015
  9. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Ok, then let's assume that you are correct. If they believed it was a hoax bomb shouldn't they have evacuated the school? They did not. If they believed it was a hoax bomb shouldn't they have called in a bomb squad? They did not. There is a very good reason that they did not call in a bomb squad or evacuate the's because they knew very well it wasn't a bomb at all. So, your entire argument is moot because, by their own actions, no one believed it was a bomb to begin with.

    I challenge you to show me where anyone has stated that the kid took the device out multiple times because it isn't true. There are, however, several accounts that the entire curfuffle began after the alarm on the clock went off in his English class and the teacher asked to see what it was.

    Lastly, I find it hilarious that you say you do not listen to conservative news while the only media outlets who are still making hay over this are conservative bloggers, radio hosts and tv personalities. Oddly enough they are espousing the same craziness as you. So...either you are lying about being a conservative or amazingly you have honed in on the exact same argument as the aforementioned.
  10. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Of course you don't; they are inconvenient truths and validate my point that the conservative media continually lies to it's viewers/listeners/readers because you cannot, or refuse, to defend them.

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