or was it not? Honestly, I would not be shocked if there was an ulterior motive but what is evidence of that? I bury this event but keep it close to mind.
All centers around him being a muslim. I'd Waterboard him until he gives it up then hang him and his entire family. Hey, it's a start.
I can't play devil's advocate with you anymore without going into the dark side. You are leading me there. I see that.
Tiger In NC kids of 14 have raped and killed people. Armed robbery etc In todays world with the internet kids younger than that could do worse. And you want teachers to risk their lives training to be on the bomb squad. Get real man. You are taught to get away from these things and let the professionals handle them. You want teachers to know the difference. Because eventually that one innocent looking item that 14 year old brought to school just happened to be a bomb and that teachers kids have no mom or dad to come home to.
are you for real your the kind that has a lawyer on speed dial. You looked at my kid crossways I am going to sue you do your job as a parent and teach your kid the rules of society and you can let that lawyer retainer go.
next Obama will give the kid a National Freedom Medal or carve him into mount rushmore or name Mt. McKinley after him. You know really important presidential kind of stuff.