I weigh 210, I can barely finish a double whopper with cheese,.. but my little 6 lb dog could eat one in 2 minutes and the fries too, amazing
Years ago when I had my Rottweiler, I would often drive through the drive up and get him just a plain hamburger. When I would get home, I would put him in a sit/stay. I Would then back up about 15 feet and toss that burger to him. His butt would never leave the floor, and he would catch that burger and just swallow it whole. I don't think he ever chewed one once.
One time when I friend of mine was out of town I would go to his house every day to feed and walk his lab. Before going there I would buy 2 plain McDonald's burgers. After he would eat his dog food we would go in the back yard and I would hold the burgers, one at a time up over my head. He was a young dog then with the leaping ability of Michael Jordan and he would jump up and snatch the burger from my hand.
My Lab weighed about 95lbs and boy could he put food away. He could eat his bowl of dry food, then any meat leftovers were his - extra salami, ham, deli meats, ribs off the bone, chicken, pork roast. Even a little leftover gumbo (i would strip the meat off the bones). Every blue moon he would get leftover gumbo but then i learned onions were bad for dogs. It never seemed to affect him, and he loved gumbo.
That is dam dangerous. Don't ever fuck and tease dogs with food. Good way to make an otherwise good dog bite your ass. You and Kyle have sick and twisted minds.