San Diego is 10-3 NY Giants are 5-8 If Eli wasn't willing to take a chance on a perennial loser, why did he go to Ole Miss in the first place?
Funny how things work out. If Eli would have gone to SD, they probably would have started him from game 1 ... assuming he reported to camp on time. And SD wouldn't be 10-3...
LOL!!! WOW!! :hihi: IMO, I don't know WHY anyone would demand to play in NYC as a rookie QB. It's one thing if you happen to end up's another thing to demand it. That place is ruthless for a young player. But I think he's getting what he deserves....No rookie, no matter how good, or how reguarded and sought after, automatically earns the right to say who he will and will not play for. I think rookies need to take a seat, shut their mouths, and play FIRST....THEN they can talk about what they want.
That's a good point. Another scenario for you: If Rivers hadn't held out and had attended camp on time, he'd be the starter and the Chargers probably wouldn't be 10-3.
it's a good "feel-good" story for Drew Brees, who just joined the ranks of Jake Delhomme: written off until finally given a chance and is in position to never relinquish his job.
He's gone after this year. He was given a chance and played horribly for his first few years in the league. This is his free-agent year, so he will go elsewhere for big bucks more than likely....unless SD does the unthinkable and trades Rivers away....
Great question. Would Eli be better off in San Diego? Right now, it looks that way. One thing for sure . . . the weather in San Deigo is MUCH better than it is in NYC this time of year. Everybody in the NFL knew how weak the Giants' offensive line was going to be this year. Nobody thought that the Giants would be good this year. I do not understand Archie and Eli's decision to eschew SD for NY.
it was about money and the way SD had handled their prima donas in the past. SD has had a saints like history with fools running the team moreso than not. Yet, even a blind squirrel gets lucky every now and then...except the saints. Eli had a quarterback rating of 0.0000000000 yesterday. that's awesome. I never knew you could complete a pass and still get a 0 rating. Im gonna pick him up on my fantasy team.
Brees is gone after this year, no way in hell he sticks around to back up Rivers - and no way in hell Rivers sits next year. Brees gives me hope for Flynn and Russell - the amount of time it took him to learn the ins and outs was great, but once he got it...he got it (and got some help catching the ball). With our receivers coming back as strong as ever, and our running game, and one more year to 'learn' the offense - I am sure one of the two QBs will step up and really be a solid QB. If we get Perrilloux, and he starts, it'll be another year like this last one - and if we get Perrilloux, and he sits, he'll just transfer in protest of playing time anyway. It is abundantly clear RP only wants to go to a school where his name will be in the brightest light. That is not a team player, that is not a Saban kid.