Things that the officiating crew can help me get a do-over on/I take it back on: 1. That stripper that I picked up 6 weeks ago 2. Telling my boss that his wife was ugly 3. Speeding ticket: 84 in a 45. 4. Mexican restaurant with a hot date 5. Cheating (and getting caught) on my accounting exam 6. Blowing $2000 at the Casino last Friday 7. She told me that she was 18 8. One more beer won't kill me 9. Using the company credit card at the Titty Bar 10. Insert any other you feel worthy here_______________
Possibly the best post ever. I think #2, #4 and #9 are my faves. Here's my #10: Using the hot date in #4's bathroom when dropping her off to take a dump and then realizing there's no toilet paper on the toilet roll holder after you're finished. Have a good one.