While Eric Holder moves forward with his plan to investigate CIA interrogation techniques our enemies take advantage. This is from the al qaeda training manual: http://www.fas.org/irp/world/para/manualpart1_4.pdf Of course, "moderates" like Red will tell you that if we don't torture them, they won't torture us. Ya think? http://www.fas.org/irp/world/para/manualpart1_3.pdf Wake up, America.
Stooping to the level of terrorists makes you nothing more of the same. As Americans we need to uphold the integrity of our words. Lead by example. Let me add that this is a TRUE CONSERVATIVE viewpoint.
Red would say that the rag heads have already put a team of investigators together to look into the alleged abuses by muslim extremist. Their findings say if American interrogators would have given their prisoners a bigger prayer rug and a few virgins then they wouldn't be chopping the heads off of American prisoners. Nancy Pilosi has come out in support of this position and Barrack Obama has issued an apology to all muslim terrorists. He is scheduled to fly to the middle east tomorrow where he has promised to bow to them repeatedly and kiss their a$$ if needed. MSNBC and the Clinton News Network will not be covering this event.
An absolute waste of time. If this is a concern for the Obama administration all he has to do is tell Panetta to review the interrogation techniques and make changes, if needed, after consulting with Obama. Obama is already continuing the rendition policy from the Bush administration by interrogating suspects in third party countries. Everyone likes to point out that all this should be covert and rendition provides that avenue. Opening up some public review compromises the CIA in their ability to extract information from these scum. Nothing good can come of this for the United States.
Who cares. There is nothing honorable in torture. If you can live with that then so be it. I just don't think it should be something that America stands for.
The sun might always be shining in your world, but there's the real world where, of necessity, ugly things happen. You don't have to like it, but it's the way things are and always will be. No good can come of shining a light on necessary, albeit unsavory, realities.
it also shows that this nation will not put up with people who torture prisoners, regardless of who they are and what part of government they are associated with. it sends a message to the rest of the world, and a good one. We are above that, not to mention it does not provide viable information anyway, regardless of what Darth Cheney tells you.