man, I am sick....this needs to be seen....
You are right!!!!! As sick and hard to watch as this is the Jane Fonda's of this country need to see what sick son of a bitches we are dealing with. Kill them all and the world will be a better place.
B52's wing tip to wing tip this should be our national chant. screw the liberals, dump them off in bagdad before the planes take off. anialate the fu*kers Kill or be killed. the rest of the world wont say DICK.
Nuke 'em all. We are at war with the "religion of peace" which preaches hatred and worships a false god named after an idol.
Shocking! What surprised me most is that they did it by cutting with a knife. I expected to see them cut off his head with a sword. F those bastards. I would like to see all of them killed but only after they had been tortured first. I would love to volunteer to perform the torture. I would enjoy every hour of it.
The lead story over at CNN and MSNBC is still the prison pictures and it appears that will not change. We need to get focused on what is important very soon. The liberals will be screaming at the top of their lungs the second these barbarians threaten their lives directly. I wish it wouldn't take a chemical attack or something similar in downtown L.A. for the libs to get on the same page. This war is not Vietnam - the reaction and sensationalism for pure political gain certainly is. The only difference is that, during Vietnam the soldiers got a press clipping or two every now and then, but today our brave men and women can jump on the internet and see such an awful lack of support by the liberals being reported in excess by the media outlets. I hope they hear other voices and I pray that they know that most of us continue to support their efforts.
To think that some are madd because we got some Arabs naked and tied them together. SCREW THEM if I hear another person at the table next to me talking about BUSH or that we should come home I am going off on them. That was horrible you can see Daniel Peals beheading on a Arab website and it is horrible too but for some reason this one gets to me bad. Real Bad. I think they should tell everyone that is American to get out and level the whole freakin Arab Nation.
Herei s what a marine friend of mine in Fallujah posted after he saw the video. he is a mustang racer like me but his racing is on hold while he fights for us. God bless Carl and his co-soldiers. /quote Sitting on top of a building 700 yards out, winds blowing from east to west 10-15 miles per hour, slow steady trigger pull, more to follow. __________________ Carl U.S Marine 1990 Mustang LX 5.0 5-speed Hatchback 1993 Mustang GT 5.0 5-speed Hatchback 2000 Mustang GT 4.6 5-speed Coupe Initiative, Aggressiveness, Moral Professionalism No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy
where are those crying for war crimes about how our soldiers are treating the enemy now? Guys, I must admit I can't and won't watch it but I have been steadfast in my beliefs after Sept 11. I've thought we needed to take the gloves off and get serious about the problems in Iraq. With all the bs about the prison scandal our country just don't get it unless thats only for show. We will be attacked and killed constantly because the enemy wants us to play thier game instead of ours..... They will win then, plain and simple