So first the lie that was "ban all Muslims" is now part of a tracker in which he is some sort of liar for not banning them all in his first 6 days. I guess they secretly want them banned as well........ Idiots. All of them.
You ever hear of a tunnel? If you really want to stop them from coming over build a big ass moat. A wall ain't stopping shit.
No mote, just take away the candy on this side, bam no more problem. but if the choice is give money to terrorist or build wall, it's a no Brainer for me.
The money to the terrorists is peanuts compared to what that stupid ass wall is gonna cost. For the record though I think both are stupid as fuck.
That is such a stupid arguement a child would use. In any-case, they can build tunnels now or just---------walk across. If you reduce the number of ways people can illegally cross the boarder, you effectively can plan accordingly. Walls work.