Where has Dirks been? What do you guys think about him. Obviously, he looked very good early in the season. I was thoroughly impressed with his 'stuff.' Is he still ready, or is he having problems (health or confidence)? Radio talk here in Lafayette contends that LSU has limited pitching ability after Mestepey. Personnaly, I think this is the deepest pitching staff for the tigers in any of their trips to Omaha. There may not be an ace, but there are a lot of pitchers that I have confidence in. Who do you think should pitch Saturday? There are a lot of R handed batters. Who will shine? :thumb: :tigbas: :tigbas: :usaflagwa :laflagwav :tigerhead :tigerhead :tigerhead
Beware, any criticism of anything about or related to LSU baseball will result in immediate evisceration. Limited pitching ability? Not this time of year. All bad pitching is reserved for the SEC regular season and sometimes the tourney, but that buck stops there.
With Mesteypey's performace Sunday he has worked his way back to the being the ace ot the pitching staff and the #1 starter. Righthanders don't have much more success against him than lefthanders. If the Tigers beat Miami and play South Carolina in the second game Bumstead has already pitched well against them this year. By starting Mestepey in the first game he would be in the rotation to start the first game of the best 2 out of 3 in the Championship round.
Dirks is learning, just like most frosh have to do. Some are just so talented that they can come in and dominate from start to finish. Dirks is still learning how to pitch with the decrease in velocity he has since having surgery, still learning the mechanics of his throwing motion after having had surgery, still learning how to pitch to college hitters, etc. I think he will get better over the course of his stay here in Tigertown and when he does get command of everything watch out as he does have a lot of stuff.