First, 1 star on scout means the person probably hasn't been rated yet. Rivals is just now about to roll out the three star rankings. Personally I think rivals is 10 times better than scout. Rivals has more people ranking and they don't throw around nearly as many stars as scout.
If you saw the video Rivals has of him you would think the Scout people are smoking something. He can really run and knocks the hell out of people.
what's their current rankings of al woods? id guess whichever has him higher is the more accurate. :thumb: :thumb:
Yea, a one start ranking denotes the prospect hasn't been ranked yet. But of the two, I prefer Rivals...i've done each for a month and decided rivals is the one I want to go with.
Giddens will end up being a 3 star on scout I believe. The Louisiana Tiger Rag guys think more highly of all of LSU's commits and other top LA players than scout does for some reason. Last year scout rated a few of the LSU players higher during the actual football season, like Hitt and Beckwith, masybe they will this year as well. I've been a scout subscriber for a long time and have been able to go to rivals some. Now I have subscriptions to both and plan on keeping rivals and losing the scout one, but not so much because of the ratings of the players, that is so subjective. It's because of the interaction of the staffers at Tigerbait being much better than at TigerRag and the national people as well. The Rivals message boards both local and national are also much busier, offer much more info and the staffers are much more involved answering questions and posting comments. It just appears to be a better run company IMO.
Scout gives out a LOT more 5-Star then Rivals. The 1-Star means they haven't been ranked just yet. Rankings move all the time as well. IMO, the better service differs team to team. Florida has hands down the best Scout site, imo while UGA/USC have the best Rivals sites
Yes, it looks like scout ranks the top 50 players as 5 star recruits while Rivals has just 27--5 star recruits. USC, OU and Nebraska also have great scout sites that I know of, with plenty of interaction from the staff, great boards and good articles. But they still do not get as much action on the national front from scout.
ive read somewhere that rivals has about 10 times as many scouts as they usually have quite a few per region or state while scout has 1 or 2...