So far the only change i see is corrupt Democrats are being put in Powerfull positions instead of corrupt Republicans. There is a Democrat double standard at place now where Democrats look the other way when it is their politicians doing the wrong where there was outrage at the Bush Administration. You cant have it both ways. If it is wrong for Rep. it is wrong for Dems. And i actually thought Obama might actually want to change the way Washington does business. Obama got preferential mortgage and now we find out Mr Dodd from Conn. got preferential Mortgages but of coarse there was nothing unethical in what he did. This is why i am not a rep. or a dem. any more. I am a disgusted American who see's the truth. Our Govt. is corrupt and large corporations across the world have bought and paid for both sides. Because they are corrupt too. Obama is pushing a stimulus that doesnt stimulate anything but pork. I call for all Americans to vote any incumbent in office out and lets start over with people who havnt been corrupted yet. Rock Washington and shake up the good old boy network. Vote for any person running for office for the first time and has no political experience. Could they do any worse?
Don't throw the baby out with the bath. It appears that Obama is working to get a lot of the non-stimulus fat out of the proposal. I won't complain until the bill is passed in its final form.
Is he going around nominating Democrats that havnt paid their taxes to get them paid. Why was the pork in the original package to begin with. Maybe he can get the line item veto through this Democrat congress. That is something i will cheer him for.
If Tom Daschle is such a genius like he claims to be, how did he accidently make so many mistakes on his tax filings? I thought we had finally got rid of DASCHole but he's surfaced again. So much for change we can all believe in. :nope:
That IS what passes for "change" in Washington. It's a pit of vipers. There is no "lesser of the evils". If you don't agree, wait about fifty years and look at the situation again. It never REALLY changes...
Don't worry he has 4 yrs to make good on his promises of change. It'll take a yr or so before Americans realize he is no different from, all other polticians. He told Americans what they wanted to hear, and Reid and Pelosi think they got what they wanted, someone they think will be a puppet for the Democrat party. I think there are gonna be a lot of people in for a rude awakening. He ain't gonna just lay down for the Democrat machine, nor is he gonna be able to make the change many Americans are hoping for.
Maybe I'm just gullible, but I think a lot of newbies to big time politics - and I think of Obama as a newbie - go off to Washington with good ideas, big plans and the genuine desire to do some good. Then they run into the same garbage seen in "Mr Smith Goes to Washington" and find out they knew NOTHING of what really goes on in that cesspool. And I do mean cesspool - the more they swim in it, the worse they smell. Cynical? Maybe. Realistic? Probably. But that's just my opinion.
Its funny that we heard all kinds of criticizm about the Bush Administration and similar things yet those same people are totally silent about Obama? Double standard?
You know, the more I think about Calco's original post and read yours, the more I think I agree that we should just fire them all at once and start fresh.