Did we get your attention....we are a good team and we hope to see you in Atlanta. You guys are the best, but we are not bad. The rest of the season I will pull for you guys and hope we can do payback in the SEC championship game.
As far as I'm concerned...you guys didn't HAVE to prove it. I personally thought this was one of two games we could lose...and you guys DO belong. Hope to see you in the ATL come December...on a dry field. You think Trindon is fast on wet grass?? Wait.:thumb:
depends what you mean by "belong". if it means not being the doormat, then you belong. if by "belong" you mean have a reasonable shot at the sec title, then No. you belong in the sece only as long as UGA and UT are down, because theyre stuck playing a great nondivisional rival every year. there, you get a needed break.