I had someone tell me LSU had scheduled Fresno State for this coming year... IS this true? I haven't seen anything.... I think it would be great. A totally overrated media darling would certainly be more fun to beat up on and better for our ranking than the likes of App State or North Texas... For the life of me I still can't understand why we schedule IAA teams. It is a no win situation. It is utter bs the excuse of "well the team has such a tough schedule they need an easy game"... There are plenty of more respectable IA schools one could schedule knowing pretty well that we'd win. Anyway, I'd love to see fresno on our schedule.
The AD of our "totally overated media darlings" said that our schedule (with or without LSU) will be finalized by around the 7th of February or earlier....No word yet here if the LSU game is on... Since 2000, we've beaten UCLA, GEORGIA TECH, VIRGINIA, WISCONSIN, COLORADO, CALIFORNIA, OREGON STATE (twice), KANSAS STATE AND WASHINGTON...Only the Cal and Ore State games were at home...We've had our share of BCS loses too...Everyone knows how close we came this year to USC....Since 2000 we've lost to Ohio State, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Oregon, Oregon State, and Michigan State; all away games. We want the LSU game, but final compensation to Fresno for going to LSU and moving around one of the other games in the Bulldog's schedule needs to take place..Pat Hill's motto is ANYONE, ANYTIME, ANYWHERE...So we're keeping our fingers crossed that we get to go Baton Rouge.. It'd be a priviledge to play LSU especially in Death Valley....We want to take our program to the next level and to be the best you have to play the best... Nice job in your win over Miami and your National Championship a couple of years ago...Good Luck on signing day and in 2006!
wow, I like fresno state a lot more after that post. A lot of class buddy and hopefully you come to B.R. with your bulldogs, we'll have a brew and some great food man... keep in touch!