Just heard on ESPN Game Day that LSU ran up the score which was the excuse provided for Miami's provocation resulting in two of the thugs getting knocked unconscious! This is so assinine! Even said things like both universities need to address the problem. It is really pathetic when one has to be this creative with the truth to make the story more spectacular. Couldn't just say that LSU defended themselves against an unproved attack due to a misunderstanding by some Miami players, that would apparently be less news worthy and apparently make LSU look too good in the National arena. No, had to try and make the excuse for Miami that essentially LSU provoked the brawl by running up the score because we faked a field goal and a punt. Thing is, I don't recall anything but praise for USC and Texas this entire year and they ran it up on everyone. This is such nonsense it drives me crazy.
I'm pretty sure we only threw the ball two or three times in the 4th, so that statement is pretty dumb. It's not our fault they couldn't stop our second string fullback playing tailback.
Playing devil's advocate here... ..but when you are up by 37 late in the game and fake a kick it's a very easy conclusion to come to that someone was trying to tack on more points. At that point Miami had been held to 3 points...what's wrong with punting to them and letting the defense get the ball back? It's just a personal observation...no flame or criticism intended because I don't mind, AT ALL, getting to witness Miami get their tails handed to them. (Even when Tennessee does it :hihi: ) I think it's a safe statement to say throwing for a first down on 3rd and scoring a touchdown is one thing...faking a kick could easily be construed the way ESPN radio has been doing this morning.
I'd say in reality we didn't run up the score. The first fake got us a first down, but we ended up kicking the field goal anyway, and the second fake failed. However, I do think the two fakes were uncalled for, and leads me to believe we may have thought about running up the score. In any event, 34 of the 40 were scored before the 4th quarter, and the other two were field goals. What are we supposed to do when we get inside the 30? Punt?
LSU just beating the stuffing out of thug U isn't an exciting enough story. Remember the media has never been acused of letting the facts get in the way of a good story(see USC's 3-peat).
No way....we had our #2 QB without a real #3 backup to put in the whole game and were running what could be considered our #5 RB (a true FB) most of the second half. BTW...I dont think da U would have slowed up if the tides were turned. We played a great full complete game!!!