Kindly show some documentary prooof that he was actually warned that 19 fanatics were going to fly jet airliners into the WTC and the Pentagon on the morning of 9/11/01. Go ahead. You can post your evidence here. We're waiting. Short of actually being told the time and date of such an occurrence, (never mind the flight numbers and their point of origin) there was NOTHING that ANYBODY (George Bush, Bill Clinton, Bullwinkle J. Moose, whoever) could have done to stop this from happening. Some of you people just can't seem to get that notion thru your thick skulls. Instead, all you want to do is point fingers. How's this for an idea? Why not point the finger at the REAL parties responsible for 9/11...the 19 hijackers. My, what a novel concept.
What do I think?................I think no matter how high you lift your leg, you just ain't gonna reach it. But, by all means, keep trying.
Hmm, I looked at my calendar today and it said February 12, 2005. Interesting. 9/11 was 3 1/2 years ago. Maybe if idiots keep beating this dead and mutilated horse, it'll change what actually happened!! GET OVER IT!!!!! By the way, it sickens me that you include the "Never Forget 9/11" smilie and then argue it could've been prevented.
I didn't know that you needed two threads to make the same point. I think you need some education, doesn't add up, see other thread. I'd give the same answer. What does everyone else think? Btw, I believe that NO president would ever let :911: happen, his job is to protect us from enemies foreign and domestic. No matter whether I like him or not!
Ok, hypothetically speaking say Bush could've stopped 9/11 from happening why would he not? Why would he allow the worst attack on American civilians in history to occur and then not destroy any evidence that pointed to him knowing about and being able to stop the attacks?
The same excuse that Hillary gave for secret papers ending up in her wing of the White House...The same reason they give for Vince Foster turning up dead...Same excuse, new application of it... It's a vast right wing conspiracy...