The guy thats an Auburn fan who just starting going to Bama so he can compete in "Cheerleading" which is a whole different discussion.... They guy said (In a Bama Cheerleading outfit) My heart is always with Auburn and War Eagle....... Man, I know this is non LSU but I thought it was worthy of a mention. What an idiot, I went to some Bama boards and they are calling for his head, his scholarship, the head cheerleaders head... What a buffoon, he is going to have to quit school. When it comes to the Iron Bowl, sometimes its best to keep your mouth shut and just smile... What an Ultra marooon...
Yeah, I saw that. Gottfried (or Franklin or whoever) said, "I guess they don't have eligibility in cheerleading." The male cheerleader said something about his heart still being at Auburn and made it pretty obvious that he's a WarTigerEaglePlainsmen at heart but Bama is paying tuition. Not for long. Male cheerleaders are kinda wierd but at least they get to hang out with female cheerleaders.
I have to agree with the Bama fans that he should be kicked off the squad---if you are a cheerleader then you should be 100% behind the team you are cheerleading for. What would have happened if an LSU had been interviewed this week and said his heart was with Ole Miss and ended it with a "Hotty Toddy"? I know he would not be leading cheers at the Arkansas game this week.