How about my last post in killing Zarqawi a stunt? Speaking of killing Zarqawi a stunt, sounds like some may be on his side of things. With our friends, some Democrats in government who needs enemies.
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. Forget the disasterous occupation of Iraq, the budget deficits, the social security debacle, the unprecedented national debt, the stagnant economy, the immigration problems, the Republican scandals, et cetera, et cetera. LOOK! Over at there at those Democrats! They must be idiots! :lol: :lol: :lol:
And how mant indictments have those maufactured scandals resulted in? Other than Carl Rove of course...Wait, this just in...He wasn't indicted either.
The economy is not failing but it is flat. In real GDP growth, the US is #88 among nations, right behind Uzbekistan and Morroco. LINK
Several, so far and it ain't over. Scooter Libby, Tom Delay (who has two indictments) and Randy Cunningham who has already been convicted are the major ones. Delay and Cunningham have already lost their seats in Congress. Two of Delays aides have been indicted in the Jack Abramoff lobby scandal. Four more republican Congressmen are under investigation regarding Abramoff. Republican Abramoff himself has plead guility in return for information about bribed congressmen. The Abramoff case is a Republican Scandal that is still snowballing.
Don't forget William Jefferson, Oh wait... Are there no Democrats in the Abramoff Case? They are all guilty, right?