He lost by seven million votes, so highly doubtful. Americans didn't need indictment on a conspiracy with Russia to see that donald trump is an incompetent piece of shit. A hack report by a hack Republican is not the "truth". Americans, for the most part, ain't that stupid.
Well, you're lying as usual, of course. There was George Papadopoulos's overseas encounters boasting of Russian connections, there was a trump tower meeting between the trump campaign and Russian operatives, there was a blatant invitation by trump for Russia to hack and disclose Clinton campaign information - an invitation with which they quickly complied, there was the trump campaign manager sharing election data with Russia. So, there was a lot more than "nothing"... and of course, as usual, you're lying.
Neither the Mueller report nor this Durham report exonerates trump from collusion. In fact, the Mueller report EXPLICITLY says that his investigation does not exonerate trump. And when Bill Barr held a press conference later to lie about that Robert Mueller requested and was granted a hearing before Congress to set that record straight.
agreed, and it didnt exonerate you from being a pedophile. "Ultimately, the investigation did not establish that the Campaign coordinated or conspired with the Russian government in its election-interference activities." - mueller report
all of that is nothing. i met with russians during that time as well. its nothing. mueller hied a bunch of folks with a lot of cash and took 2 years or whatever and found: "Ultimately, the investigation did not establish that the Campaign coordinated or conspired with the Russian government in its election-interference activities."
You truly are a dishonest moron. "Did not establish" does not mean "disproved". And it doesn't say a damn thing about the need to investigate. There was PLENTY to investigate, as I've already listed. Now, imagine if Clinton had met with Chinese agents on a Clinton property, that Clinton on national TV invited China to hack the trump campaign and leak private campaign information, that China then did exactly that, that the Clinton campaign manager shared insider election data with China, and that the Clinton campaign manager had gone around the world boasting about how China was going to help hack into the trump campaign.... would Republicans have wanted the FBI to investigate THAT? That would have been PLENTY, far more than NOTHING, on which to launch an FBI investigation, and it of course would have been justified. Of course you see that, but you're a dishonest moron. And let's not forget that Bill Barr cut Mueller's investigation short, that Bill Barr then lied about what Mueller had reported... And let's not forget that Republicans investigated Hillary Clinton almost endlessly over Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi... on nothing more than a wish, so this cry that Democrats "weaponized" the FBI even when it was Republicans who launched the Russia investigations is nothing more than hypocritical bullshit. But, here, let me summarize: you're a lying moron. There was far more than nothing upon which to investigate. It would have been a breach of duty not to.
exactly. we havent disproved you are a pedophile. nor have we established that you are. the difference is they searched for years to find collusion with trump and didnt find it, whereas with you nobody has even investigated yet. nah they finished. they had a whole bunch of investigators and almost 2 years and millions of dollars. didnt find collusion. would you like then to enlist every person on earth and search for all etermity? yeah they are pretty bad. they just lied about shit. like they spread a lie about a backdoor bank connection, money owed to russia in deutshe bank, a whole bunch of lies they bought and inserted in the press and govt.
You and your president believe pedophilia is OK. Therefore you have NO moral capital here to accuse anyone of anything. Besides, you are a chronic liar.