" There are more I could think of such as: 3. Has LSU played a passing team? 4. Has LSU played a strong defensive team? 5. Has LSU beaten a team this season with an experienced coaching staff? (Tubby doesn't count due to 5 missed field goals -- Aburn gave this away)" What gets me is that Auburn "Gave the LSU game away" YET.... I guess the vols didn't give the game away when they fumbled on the three? or when miss state fumbled a kickoff return, and went back for a TD... I love how LSU's opponents are "giving the games away" yet, Bama's opponents are just "losing"... please....:dis:
OH! OF COURSE NOT! Ole Miss, Utah St., and Miss St. is the cream of the crop! MUCCCCCH better than the folk we have played! I think the BCS's rating for them is an accurate description of how little they have done this year
Had you read down further you would also have read this. "Wait, wait, wait, LSU won that game. Auburn did not give anything away. They executed poorly in the FG department and lost to LSU. If we go down this road then Ole Miss gave us the win with the 2 back to back penalties that stalled their red zone drive. The Vols gave us a win by fumbling their game-winning touchdown. Miss St. gave us a win with their fumble and interception. No team gives a win away. Analyzing team is fine and you have made some good points. Let’s avoid taking away credit where credit is due. I am no fan of LSU or Auburn, unless they are in a bowl game. Then I am all for every SEC team, but we do a disservice to everyone when we disclaim a victory even by our opponents. I think the next 2 games could go either way. I look forward to them. I welcome strong opponents and hope they play the very best they can so our victory will be the sweeter."
That's a good post above. If you want some delusional posts read this thread.
Again..... How many field goals did LSU miss in the Auburn game??? How many touchdown passes did LSU drop in the endzone??? Does no one remember this? That game should've NEVER gone into overtime if we didn't "almost" give it away with our own mistakes. The mistakes were pretty much equaled by both teams, however, they did hurt us more since we had 2 sure TD drops....AND WE STILL WON! Games just given to us??? We turned the ball over...what, 5 times against Florida AND WE STILL WON!!! Yea...they're just simply giving us games. Come on Bama, GIVE US ANOTHER ONE! I hope you all are ready b/c you're about to get your toughest fight yet.
It goes either way...I mean, guys on here say it's a fluke if you turn the ball over and lose. All fans do this crap, dont just single out Bama fans for some remarks made by some individuals. It goes both ways man, c'mon.