I too think his style and personality would be great for CFB...especially recruiting. Anyone know how old Campo is?
Very impressive if Les can pull this off. I'm pretty impressed with what is starting to develop anyway.
Not an official report... Being posted all over tiger bait chat...very affirmative by one particular who says to have inside info. So I called my marketing director is active in the NFL players association to see what rumors were being circulated around with many of the coaches out of jobs with all the changes. He said he hasn't heard it circulated amongst the NFL types yet but the Miles/Campo connection to Dallas Cowboy organization makes it natural. He is going to keep his ear to the ground for me. I'll post if he hears anything...
His bio's linked in a post above. It doesn't give his birth date, but if he started coaching in 1971 I would guess mid 50s - 60 for his age.
"At this point I don't think you'll catch much flak, from anyone other than Sabanfan, for judging the character of Nick Saban. I haven't seen much of Sabanfan anyways since the departing of his "god"." I think "Sabanfan" is now "Milesfan"
Campo is a nice guy...a musician too I think...used to live a couple of streets over from me when in Dallas
It originated from a guy on the Lair, supposedly a very powerful TAF contributor with a good rep. at that forum.