Who in their right mind would not be pumped for this game? It's the opener and we've been freakin going nuts on message boards all summer ready for some action. It's a quality opponent and we hate the Pac-10. GameDay's coming. It's Labor Day weekend. We get to see the Golden Band from Tigerland again! I don't think I've ever looked forward to a game more. Well, since the last one in N.O. I guess. With the layout of the schedule this year, I don't anticipate a home game that will match Oregon St.
I think Don has a "finger on the pulse of the average tiger fan" better than most of us do by virtue of the many emails he gets daily. He said that "the LSU fans are not excited about about playing OSU and most LSU fans believe that it will be no contest." I can only imagine that we are sending him email indicating this. With regards to the latter, heck I'm guilty, I think we're going to blow them out! The former, well, I'm glad it's not another crappy opener and that it will be a challenge, but lets face it, playing the beavs doesn't get me all wired like playing VaTech did in 2002 (and playing them this year would have been. . . WOW!!). I don't know why, it just doesn't do it to me. The energy in Tiger stadium next Saturday night will not suffer for this, however, because it is the opener and we are all so damn excited about our team and the championship (last year's and this year's), and we are swelling with pride, and booze. . . Proud to be tigers. . . With fresh meat. . . any meat. . . mmm, beaver
If he reads this board he would think that most fans think we are going to blow OSU out the stadium I think. especially since the flaming, boastful type post are the ones you remember the most. But I also disagree with the fans not being excited, everyone I know is excited as all hell.
Pac 10 pansies.. Glad to see some of you are a little worried about this game. If I were you I would be a lot worried. As for your stadium nonsense..I know you have a great stadium but we play in loud stadiums all the time. Our uck neighbors host us to play in Autsen Stadium which the Michigan Coach (Carr) called the loudest stadium he had ever played in so I know your impressed with the noise you can make but honestly that wont be a problem for us. The Heat and humdity will be for sure. As for the Pac 10/ Big 12 match up...there is nothing like a good old pacific coast ass whipping for you eastern flatlanders.
I'd like to mention the "Earthquake Game" at this time. What stadium is generally ranked at the top of the toughest places to play list? Was it OSU? Oh, no.
Well...I for one am glad that the team is playing this game and not Don. I'm not a big fan of the ole Dandy man but I have no fear that Saban & Co will be ready for this game regardless of what he thinks the fans feelings are.
Man are you in for a surprise! :lol: :lol: :lol: Don't take our word for it. Try: Tiger Stadium Quotes
2003 Attendance Rankings 1 Michigan 2 Penn St. 3 Tennessee 4 Ohio St. 5 Georgia 6 LSU 7 Florida 8 Auburn 9 Texas 10 Oklahoma 11 Florida St. 12 Alabama 13 South Carolina 14 Notre Dame 15 Wisconsin 16 Southern California 17 Nebraska 18 Texas A&M 19 Clemson 20 Michigan St. 21 Washington 22 Iowa 23 Kentucky 24 Arkansas 25 Virginia Tech 26 Brigham Young 27 Virginia 28 Pittsburgh 29 Purdue 30 Miami (Fla.) 31 Oregon 32 UCLA 33 Mississippi 34 Arizona St. 35 Missouri 36 North Carolina St. 37 Georgia Tech 38 West Virginia 39 Maryland 40 Colorado 41 Texas Tech 42 Illinois 43 Mississippi St. 44 North Carolina 45 Kansas St. 46 Oklahoma St. 47 Stanford 48 Iowa St. 49 Minnesota 50 Arizona 51 Boston College 52 Syracuse 53 Hawaii 54 Louisville 55 Air Force 56 Kansas 57 Memphis 58 Fresno St. 59 California 60 Connecticut 61 Army 62 TCU 63 Oregon St.
I think everyone here thinks we should beat the Beavs by more than a TD but that doesn't mean anyone is looking past them. I think everyone remembers the Florida game and knows it was also a game we should have won but didn't get the job done. I'm confident that Saban has mentioned Florida more than once so far this season and will not let the team forget how taking a team lightly can explode in your face. I don't see fans saying that the Beavers are a team we should beat as looking past them at all. I doubt you could find more than a handfull of football fans across the nation that would say the wood choppers should win.