What do you guys think of having a Dandy Don GOLD OUT for the first game? For everyone who reads dandy don's website, just wear one of your gold LSU shirt's to the first game, and Don can see how many fans read and appreciate his website. I think we are all very grateful for Don giving us die hard LSU fans up to date news everyday, even when he is on vacation. For most of us, his website is the first thing we read everyday when we wake up. I wrote him an e-mail to see if he would post that on his website. What do you guys think? :lsup:
I'll wear gold for the team. As Nick Saban said "we're gold man." ( Radio show following the white out Florida game.) I just don't like to sector LSU fans as Dandy Don readers or TF subscribers TB TD or any other forums. I guess the 1st thing I read in the mornings is this forum. JMO
I'm sure lots of people that don't read Dandy Don will be wearing gold to the game. I do appreciate having his site to read though.
ZZZZZZZZZZZ Everyone likes to criticize DD's site. If you don't like it either start your own (which nobody would go to) or don't go to his site.
I think Don would appreciate $$ contributions even more. He made it sound like he really struggled to raise some $$ this year. I like his site quite a bit. Enjoy the predictions, too, the way he goes game by game and "breaks them down". I don't think he's predicted an LSU loss in all the time I've been reading his site...back in 2003. Oh, and he replies to emails quickly as well.
No thanks. Don't really read him nor do I think he deserves an entire stadiums color choice. I am wearing my whire shirt
Just busting DD's chops here. I read his site everyday, and to be honest, I like the grammar mistakes, it keeps me entertained in the morning during work.