Does anyone have an up-to-date depth chart? There have been so many position and depth changes, its hard to keep up.
go to this page and click on the LSU Notes for the La Tech game to download the PDF file. The newest depth chart is on page 16
Thanks! Im usually pretty good at finding that type of stuff. I have a savant programmer friend that seems to think he can break the Gameshark roster file for NCAA 2004, so we are going to try to make the depth chart a little more realistic. The main problem is that you can change every attribute except for class and position. We are going to see if we can build an interface to allow you to change all attributes. Ill let you know how it works out. If anyone has tried this before and has anything to add as a heads up, I would appreciate it.
Gee whiz!!! That's awesome! If it works, let me know how you did it! ...and afterwards, hack into my bank and increase my balance please.
Haha, cracking a PS2 save file is much easier than breaking into something that actually has security. Not to mention, Sony doesnt give a shit if we figure this out, but Bill Gates sure as hell would! We actually made a little bit of progress last night. From what we can tell, each players information is held in only 35 bits of data, but there are more than 35 editable fields in the game. We're thinking that there is some kind of compression being used so that multiple attributes can be held in one hex field. All that may not even be important, though. It appears that there is a header and footer for each team, and all the players on that team fall in between. It may be as easy as just copying the data string of some other player of the same position and class, and copying it where you want it. You just have to be sure that they dont have the same number because, unlike the real world, you cant have repeating numbers on the team. So to solve this, you could either copy the string from the team you want the new player on and then go back and change the original player's number and add the new string, or copy the data from another team. This all sounds good at first, but it may be that there is an identifier for each player, or some number that places the players in a numerical order that identifies them with their team. If that is the case, copying a player would create a duplicate identifier, which wont work. So anyway, just some ramblings and things we have considered. Im confident we will get it eventually.