but the word fake is meaningless in this context. a digital file is a digital file is a digital file. there is no fake or real
That is not true. With crypto and NFTs you can verify it hasn’t changed or been tampered with (many use cases for this). You can imbed things in digital files and Crypto/NFTs can show that or show its pure. Also, you can apply crypto and NFTs to physical goods. The blockchain is a secure digital file, among other things. You can even think of it as a form of copyright.
i understand that. to the extent its used to validate digital art, which is then invested in, its absurd. the purest example of investing in an item with manufactured pretend scarcity
I mean, there is no difference in digital art VS fancy watches. The price is whatever people are willing to pay. This is just meme lords taking advantage of a technology early on. Video games are the next iteration, and while equally a giant time waster, no one can deny how big video games are and how much kids/people spend on them. Also, no different than baseball cards, Pokémon cards etc.
the difference is those other things are physical goods. digital good can be replicated perfectly for effectively zero cents. the scarcity is imagined