Alright, Here's an idea that may keep the Tigers with a distinct advantage for the game: Why doesnt each season ticket holder either go (or find someone to go in there place) OR request that their tickets be held for them in Tempe. That way, if they're holding your tickets at the gate (which I believe is the current procedure) no ASU fans can pick up said tickets. The money generated from the ticket sales will still be sent towards relief, but now there will be far fewer ASU fans in the stadium. Of course, this action would cause ESPN to broadcast a game in a nearly empty stadium, but at least ASU would not get their full, home-field advantage. Note: This isnt a serious rant. I do think it would be funny to see a 3/4 empty stadium for a nationally televised game, but I expect the Tigers not to really be affected by the ASU crowd at all.
I agree. Quit whining that it's not a home game. We season ticket holders have tickets to this game & can can make this our home field if we really wanted to. Just call, reserve your spot in Arizona, and go. Show the country how much we Tiger fans support our team, by supporting them when they need it the most. Less than a weeks notice to get off work/school, get down to Arizona & start partying? Count this Tiger fan in.
You left out the part where you suddenly come up with the money required to make the trip. Had I known in advance, it may have been a possibility. But on one week's notice? No way in hell.
You are a student so you have no POV. I'll let that go for now. I'm an engineer, and I have no way of coming up with $700 in the middle of the month to go to a football game. Monthly responsibilities: House note = $950 Car note = $300 Gas bill = $200 Phone, internet, cable = $ 115 Health insurance = $280 Electricity = $150 Food = $300 Not a whole lot of room left over for a $700 football game, I can tell you.
Dang. I'm going to try bite my tongue to avoid saying something that I may regret. Just refer to 157s post. I am well aware of how much money I make, and how much financial responsibilty that I bear. Quite frankly, that's none of anyones business. And as I tried to insinuate originally, I would do it if I had the means (which would have required advanced knowledge). But I can't just decide not to pay my rent and tuck note because I want to go see the Tigers play.
Arizona State is going to sell out the stadium, Einstein. They already are selling tickets. They know good and well that LSU is likely to bring less than 3,000 fans on short notice and they are selling the rest. The Tigers play road games every season. They better just strap it on and play football and don't worry about the crowd.
But as a season ticketholder, wouldn't ASU have to hold tickets for me if I requested them to do so by tomorrow? Just imagine if every LSU fan with tickets called LSU to transfer them. ASU would have to hold them for us at will call. Doesn't mean we all have to show up.
I well I guess you could do that, but why? That would mean a ticket would not be sold that would contribute to the hurricane fund. LSU season ticket money has already been collected and spent. The only good thing about the whole arrangement is that the tickets sold by ASU will be given to the relief fund, minus "expenses" of course. If the game can't be here or somewhere close by, then at least the damned ASU fans can sell the place out and donate the cash.