Yes I'm a Lair member. It seemed that.... You and I were were on the same page about Spears and Hill. I was always getting hammered by the members because of my post about their size, speed and heart (Hill and Spears). Seems like someone lit a fire under those guys. I haven't seem them play with this much intensity ever.
Nice to see you here crawfish. I, for the most part, always enjoyed reading your post on the lair. Hope you stick around - this is a pretty good board.
JustinTIger... I dont really post much on there because I can only check the board 2 or 3 times a day, and then when I wanted to post something it would be 4 pages back and I would ask myself why bother when noone will read it. That is why I like a bump to the top format like this board alot more. You dont have to be on the board all day long to participate in a thread.