you made me feel confident with your remarks on the saban ordeal, but the new stuff people are saying makes me less confidednt. I was wondering how confident you are still.
And if he says he is 100 percent confident, you gonna be a good lil soldier and follow right off the cliff? How absurd!
a lot of people don't know each other. Lately it seems if it is something positive you get all pissed off. If it is something negative you are happy even though it is a "rumor".
Veritas, Nick Saban is staying in Baton Rouge. Don't worry about islstl, he's been humping on my leg for the last couple days for some reason. A member pointed out to him tha a few other of my posts have come to be true. It's no big deal, he's just odd. islstl used to make a big deal about the green dots. something like "you can't listen to anyone with only 1 green dot." Which I had a month ago.... pretty gay, imo Just ask him to explain the BCS standings. He still has chit all over his face.........